Friday, 20 January 2012


It's been over a month since I last posted here. I have taken photos here and there but have been kind of preoccupied, albeit with nothing in particular. Thought another premature midlife crisis was brewing, but crisis averted I think - phew!

The almost crisis has been a sort of catalyst, though. Time to stop dicking around, for lack of a better term. It would be really cool if I could get some sort of career off the ground in the not too distant future. I can but try.

With that in mind, today I have been attempting to create something between a logo and a watermark. The reason I would like one is as a way of advertising online. Bloody difficult it is though, to get it right. Have had offers of help from designer friends, but 1) I am stubborn and like to do everything myself and 2) I do not want anything too polished and professional-looking. Am grateful for the offers though!

Here are some photos with what I have so far. I'm tempted to leave it as is for now. Deciding on what opacity to use was a chore. I think it is still a little distracting but I do want it to be noticeable for the purposes stated above. 

In hindsight, I should have been more careful with which photos I tried it out on. As in, not using pole dancers and children in the same post. Oops.

In other news, I have started a facebook page for my photography. But as yet, it is entirely untouched. So when I've sorted that out, will be a total spam bot with it. Apologies in advance.

Oh oh, something that I am excited about... there was a sale on at the body painting shop. And so I have all sorts of things en route to me in the post. Once they have arrived and I have experimented with the various products a bit, I will be on the look out for volunteers willing to be painted and photographed for my portfolio. In exchange for your time and agreement to let me use the photos, I will give you a CD of the images and a print of the best image.

Think that's all for now...